Superb Self-Determination Programs for Regional Center Participants
You can count on the professional staff at First Choice Solutions to provide the best Self-Determination services. We not only assist individuals through dedicated coaching but also Regional Centers with their program creation and implementation.

Person-Centered Services
These include Self-Advocacy and Training, Life Coaching, and Skill Building. We offer these individualized services to help develop and support the implementation of vital skills like socialization, independent living, and pre-employment.

Self-Determination Services
These are primarily targeted for anyone requiring technical assistance in implementing SD effectively. Work with our highly experienced staff in the creation and implementation of your SD program, including help with:

SD Troubleshooting
Let us help you get “unstuck” with your SD program. We provide effective solutions based on your needs, circumstances and regional center. This covers:
Person-Centered Plan Writing
Formulating a solid Person-Centered Plan (PCP) is an essential aspect of Self-Determination. This service includes a spending plan. Together we can:

Training and Consulting Services
Our group is proud to be a recognized leader in Self-Determination. Partner with us so that we can train your Regional Center to offer the best services to your participants.
Independent Facilitation
Reach Out to Our Group
Count on our well-trained team to help transform people’s lives. Get in touch with our accommodating team to learn more about what we do.